Echo RPG v0.14 quick reference


Player Principles

  • Be creative and bold.
  • Ask lots of questions.
  • Use resources and connections.
  • Keep things moving.
  • Always take notes.
  • Make plans and interact with other characters.
  • Basic Action

    State what you are trying to accomplish. If a roll is called for:

  • Roll a d10 + a Stat + bonus (from help or a trait)
  • On the d10, 1 is a crit fail; a 10 is a crit.
  • Miss: You may Push to reroll, at a higher risk.
  • Defy Danger

    An action meant to protect you from a danger or consequence.

    Question / Reveal

  • Ask a question, examine something, or consult your character's knowledge.
  • Learn something new + potential advantage.
  • Set-up

    An action that increases the effect of another.


    Unless the GM specifies an outcome, pick from:
  • Strain a bond: distrust, anger, conflict
  • Damage or lose something of value
  • Use up some Influence.
  • Focus

    Gain ♦Focus by making a Plan or showing a Dark side of your character. Also gain ♦Focus when the last one is spent.
  • Flashback: Declare a useful past action, preparation or decision.
  • Insight: Automatic success on a Question.
  • Boost: Add a useful side-effect to a hit.
  • Adapt: Once per session, change a Trait to something more useful.
  • Protect

    Roll and generate ♦Protection. You can spend ♦Protection to redirect, reduce or interrupt enemy actions.


    You get 1 major Action per day of travel, 2 if not resting.


    Do any of the following to grant 2 HP to yourself or another, if you interact.